Adwords Keyword Wrapper Tool

About Adwords Keyword Wrapper Tool

This tool helps you quickly wrap keyword phrases for different match types broad, phrase and exact. You can copy the list once you are done preparing your list. Broad match keyword may show on searches that are related to your keyword, which can include searches that do not event contain the keyword terms. Use this match type if you are looking to reach more visitors or prospecting a new niche. Phrase match keyword may show on searches that include the meaning of your keyword. The meaning of the keyword is implied by algorithm and design to capture searches with similar intent. Phrase match is more flexible than exact match, but is more targeted than the default broad match option. Exact match keyword may show on searches that are the same meaning or same intent as the keyword. Negative match type is to filter out keywords that are not related to your business or have low ROI. Enter the keywords into the box above with one keyword phrase per line. Click the Wrap button. Copy and paste the keywords into Google AdWords.